Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving at the Inn

Thanksgiving is perhaps the best Holiday at a Country Inn. It is the one time that the Innkeepers get to really share their Holiday time with the guests and neighbors and to show their thanks for both a bountiful season and the joys of Innkeeping. I know that we looked forward to this Holiday every year at our Inn.

It is a great time to share an amazing, traditional Thanksgiving meal with the community. Often we welcomed both lodging and dinner guests to the Inn whose families were far away. This gave us all a chance to celebrate a great Holiday as a kind of substitute family. The spirit of Thanksgiving permeated the air as the fantastic smells from the kitchen provided a welcoming touch to the Fall decorations at the Inn. A moment to stop to give thanks for all that has been given to us, and then a traditional meal served family style with seconds passed until no one could ever want more. Good cheer, great food, good music, and the laughter around the dining room was reward enough for this very special day. For those guests staying over at the Inn, we always brought out the leftovers that night for home-style sandwiches and pie. This was always a very special treat for our guests.

In this year of changing times, we give thanks to what we have, and renew our energies for the work to come.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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